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Clark Street Capital is a full-service bank advisory firm specializing in loan sales, loan due diligence and valuation and specialty asset management.





The Bank Asset Network (“BAN”) is a proprietary loan sale platform leveraging the largest database of buyers and sellers in the industry.


The BAN bridges the bid/ask spread by Clark Street’s superior understanding of bank portfolio assets and the largest database in the industry. We are the only firm comprised entirely of real estate and banking experts who provide a deeper understanding of the assets than our trading competitors, offering complete confidentiality to sellers and total transparency to buyers.   


 We offer the only total solution in the industry, working with clients long before an asset sale is even contemplated, and then assisting the seller in finalizing the list of assets, and making all efforts to make complex credits saleable.   


Our preferred sales process is a negotiated sale, which offers many of the same benefits of an indicative bid/final bid process used by many of our peers, with the added bonus of additional flexibility, higher quality indicative bids, and an opportunity to immediately engage bidders upon receipt of the indicative bids.  


 Working with the best attorneys in the industry, we then handle all aspects of the closing, including the negotiation of the sale agreements, and managing both pre-closing and post-closing issues.  


 We encourage Buyers to "Join the BAN by creating a detailed profile of their investment criteria. The submission process filters participants based upon key categories, such as: performance level, desired markets, real estate interest, recourse, tenant profile, loan balances, pool sizes, lien positions, loan types, property types, and loan terms.



The Bank Asset Network "BAN"

Accelerated BAN Program

Bank Portfolio Management "BPM"

A loan sale platform providing institutions the ability to sell assets to the largest network in the industry. The BAN bridges the bid/ask spread by Clark Street’s superior understanding of bank portfolio assets and the largest database in the industry. We are the only firm comprised entirely of real estate and banking experts who provide a deeper understanding of the assets than our trading competitors, offering complete confidentiality to sellers and total transparency to buyers. 

  • Loan sale platform designed for single assets/relationships generally under 5MM

  • Fastest processs in the industry

  • Designed for situations in which a lender is looking to move assets expeditiously as possible

  • 2-3 week process to complete a sale 

In just a few weeks, we can provide your institution with an independent third-party review of a bank’s loan portfolio, analyzing current risk ratings, action plans, reserve levels, and market values (if requested). Our both regulatory and market approach is especially useful for M & A transactions.




The 210MM DFW Loan Portfolio

Value/UPB: 210,000,000

Performance: Performing

Number of Assets: 9

Bid Date: 12/17/24

The 5MM NPL Portfolio

Value/UPB: 5,000,000

Performance: Non-Performing

Number of Assets: 19

Bid Date: 11/26/24

The 30MM Seasoned Loan Portfolio

Value/UPB: 30,000,000

Performance: Mixed

Number of Assets: 63

Bid Date: 11/12/24

The $25MM Chicagoland CRA Portfolio

Value/UPB: 25,000,000

Performance: Performing

Number of Assets: 287

Bid Date: 6/13/24


The 20MM Soda City Hotel  Loan

Value/UPB: 20,000,000

Performance: Performing

Number of Assets: 1

Bid Date: 2/09/2024



The $20MM Chicagoland Portfolio

Value/UPB: 20,000,000

Performance: Mixed

Number of Assets: 112

Bid Date: 11/15/2023


The 14MM C-Bus Office Loan

Value/UPB: 14,000,000

Performance: Performing

Number of Assets: 1

Bid Date: 6/11/24


The 2MM Brooklyn Multi-Family Loan

Value/UPB: 2,000,000

Performance: Non-Performing

Number of Assets: 1

Bid Date: 12/21/2023



The 10MM Bayou City Senior Housing Loan

Value/UPB: 10,000,000

Performance: Non-Performing

Number of Assets: 1

Bid Date: 11/20/2023



The $4MM Chicago Multi-Family Loan

Value/UPB: 4,000,000

Performance: Non-Performing

Number of Assets: 2

Bid Date: 11/2/2023



The $125MM Buckeye Loan Portfolio

Value/UPB: 125,000,000

Performance: Performing

Number of Assets: 24

Bid Date: 07/13/2023



The $20MM OOCRE Loan Portfolio

Value/UPB: 20,000,000

Performance: Performing

Number of Assets: 13

Bid Date: 10/13/22

The $765MM MSR Portfolio

Value/UPB: 765,000,000

Performance: Performing

Number of Assets: 9,518

Bid Date: 8/16/22

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